Thursday, January 19, 2012

when you make a promise, you have to keep it

this is what i don't like about myself. i keep telling myself that i will update this blog regularly, at least once a month. the plan didn't work though. the thing is, i have no idea what to write, i lack of inspiration and aspiration. what to write? what to say? how to say? write about what happened maybe? or uhm maybe write about confessions? yeah maybe that's a good idea because i doubt anyone is reading my blog so it is a good place to share some tinee wenee little secret :p

talking about what happened, nothing interesting happened recently. oh there's one, mama bought me a DSLR! it's a Canon Eos 1100D. oh i'm to lazy to upload the pictures i've taken with. the camera is my baby. and it's freaking red. i'm not bragging but how cool is that? i'm so happy like akdglalgjalkjdl when holding that camera for the first time. i'll upload more pictures later when i'm free-er lol. but srsly, that's the best thing i ever had. my dream to have my own dslr came true. all thanks to Allah. Syukur Alhamdulillah, without Him, i can never have my own camera. so that's that for now. i'll update more soon. i hope.