Friday, November 11, 2011


Get your wishes ready, because you won't see that date for the rest of your life. School is officially over for 2011 today. 

syasha with her amazing smile :)

me with a cute white bear.

the weasleys.

malay girls.

lol. srsly guys, you need a REAL table.

manda and ade :)

ze cat at our school. ps: it's cat daddy's wife. XD

the class after we cleaned it.

So get your gears up, next year's gonna be hectic!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

It is the 6th of November 2011, 10 Zulhijjah 1432H according to the Islamic calendar. And today is Hari Raya Aidiladha. Nothing much, woke up at 5.10 a.m. this morning for the morning prayer then sleep back again, woke up at 7 a.m. Abah and Iman (younger brother) went to the mosque, Masjid Nurussyakirin for the raya prayer. Then me and Mama are getting ready and wait for them to come home from the mosque. At about 8.30 a.m., they came home and then we're off to my paternal grandparent's house (the one in Sri Taman, two lots away from Jay's house and opposite to my teacher's house, Mdm. Petronella) After an hour or two, we're off again and went to my maternal grandparent's house this time. There's lotsa food to eat! Beef curry, mixed vegetables, honey-cooked chicken, chicken satay, and not to forget, ketupat! My favourite was the honey-cooked chicken. Yum yum!

Hmm, talking bout 6th of November, i suddenly remember that syasha's birthday is in 10 more days! She said she's gonna held a party, nah, not really a party, just a small gathering with some food to eat and some things to do with small number of friends. I like it though. Can't wait for it. I miss my friends so much. I'm not used to big parties, it makes me nervous.

About the job I'm talking about, yes, the one i got so excited about until i'm stuck in the cyber cafe waiting for the rain to stop because i don't have an umbrella. Yep, that one, there's a good news, and a bad news. The good news is; I'm hired! They accept me to work there! The bad news is; unfortunately, I have to reject the offer. After I told mama I'm gonna work there, she starts to talk about problems i'm gonna face if I work there. The salary is not bad, RM350 for a month and all I have to do is stack some products on the rack. But the thing is, I have to work 7 days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. So it's like there's no Sundays for me. And mama said if I work there, first; I won't be able to go shopping or go somewhere with my family, second; i won't have time to hang out with my friends during the hollies, such as syasha's party, third; there's lots more things I won't be able to do, I can't quite explain it, but the main thing is, it's just not the right time for me to work. So I guess I'll have to wait until it's the right time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Next time I'll be braver, I'll be my own savior.

Currently listening to Adele-Turning Tables

I wish I can sing this song out loud but meh, I'm in the cyber cafe now. Everyone will think I'm weird. The reason why I'm here is because I'm waiting the clock to tick until it's 4.30 p.m. Grandma went to Happy Mart just now and came home telling me that they need a worker to stack some products on the rack. I can do that, I said. And granny asked me to go the mart again by 3 p.m and meet the person in charge But when I arrived, the man in charge is not there and one of the workers, a small one, came telling me that he'll be here by 4.30. So I end up here, in the cyber cafe. And it's raining heavily outside (with thunders and lightnings) and I got no umbrella and my phone can't hear voices through the other side of the phone so I can't call me granny. *sigh* My luck. Now I understand how hard it is to find a job. Crossing my fingers and I pray for the best. Hopefully my waiting is worth it.

Syasha sent a message to me on tumblr saying that she's so proud of me and that I must keep up my marvelous work. I will, ca, don't worry. As long as ipah's here, she'll try her best to do everything at its best. Well at least that made my day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Holiday starts. (Not really, I got one more day to go)

I've changed my blog's layout and title and I have to say, i'm quite happy with it. Not as crappy as before. I hope now I'll be able to update my blog regularly. I'm planning to get a work during the holidays. I saw this pet shop near my housing area with a vacancy.. I can't quite say it's a pet shop since it doesn't sell cats and dogs. Just some small aquarium fish and rabbits and mice and turtles. A dull shop. You can smell the odor of the animals inside the shop. So since I like animals, I want to work there to fill up my free time during the holidays and to earn some extra money. But I guess i'm out of my luck. I asked my grandma to come with me and help me to ask the owner if he wants to accept a 15 year old girl to work there. No, sorry. That's what he said.

My father is asking me what am I gonna do during the hollies. I said I don't plan anything yet. I know he can't stand to see me doing nothing the whole day. At least I must do 'something' productive. And I'm still thinking what that 'something' would be.

"I always love browsing thorough your blog because it's calm and simple to me. It's like the beauty of life all captured in photos, placed together in a never-ending album of your personal taste. <3 Superman"

He said that to me. He praised my blog, not this blog, because I know whatever I post here is crappy lol. My other blog. My tumblr. Interesting personality, that man. He's a Vietnamese if i'm not mistaken. Isn't it nice? to have someone to praise your blog like that? I'm touched. Little did I know that there's actually someone who appreciate and adores my blog. 

I wish sometimes I can write stories better. Describing all the little, unnoticed and complex things. I'm good when making stories in my head, little dialogues would occupy my mind when I'm alone. But not when people are around. When I'm with people, it's like the little voices in my head are hiding, letting me go to get back to the reality again. But maybe it's just because expressing thoughts and feelings in words is not my strength. I'm better when I'm talking, telling all the little details, I sure can do it alright. I prefer talking although at some cases I need to write to express things I can't describe. Anyways, I think that's all for now. Until next time, love, ipah.