Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Still thinking what's the right title for this post

It was three days ago, that she knew the surprising news. Very surprising actually. The matter had never crossed her mind before. Not even in a second. Never.
It was overall a great day for her, well, almost a day. Her day starts with a smile. Somebody, a random person she doesn't even know told her that she's beautiful. That really made her day. And then, just another 2 hours before the day ends, she's informed of the matter.
As usual, just before she goes to sleep, she'll text with someone she knew from her old school while lying on her bed and reading a book. That night, she's reading It by Stephen King. The book is thick, with a total of 1000+ pages. She's on the chapter where there's a kid, a 10 yr old boy was missing. His brother was dead because of child abuse by his step-father. And then another kid, taking a walk to the park on an early morning, found the missing boy, slaughtered, bloody, and headless. When she had enough of it, she'll put it down at the side of her pillow and go to sleep. But she's not feeling sleepy yet.
That was when her old school friend told her that matter.

He likes her.

4 years he's been keeping that secret to himself. Nobody even knew that matter. Not a single one of his friends knew. And then that night, he finally confess his feelings towards her. She was very surprised. She thought he was joking, just to make her feel like a fool, thinking that someone would actually likes her for that long.
But he's not. He's serious. And actually that was the first time that he confess to a girl. His best friend, used to like her too. On the old days where they're still young, she used to know that he likes her friend in the same class as her. So that's why she doesn't suspect anything. Nobody does.
But the girl he likes back then was not a real like. It was just as if he was encouraged from his friends to like that girl. Because they look good together. But he doesn't actually.
Luckily after he confess his feelings, he never asked her what's her feelings towards him. She knew it must have been a torture to him, to keep that secret for so long. Maybe not long for other people, but it is to her. She knew that he was relieved after he finally gain all the courage to confess. She knew that for him, he need not to know what's her feelings towards him.
For him, what's done is done. No turning back. 
If he were to ask her that question someday, she will say that he's just a friend, who's been so caring for her all this while, and a supporting one too. No more, no less. She hopes that he'll understand this and has no hard feelings towards her.
But the questions was never asked, so it remained unanswered.

So here she is, still texting to him as if nothing had happened three days ago. She loves it how they still can chat as usual, still joking with lame jokes, still talking about random things. She knew very well if they do meet each other face to face, it would've been really awkward. Really awkward.

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