Tuesday, February 1, 2011

so, i guess this is my first post!

hiya! yeah. this is actually my first post in my first blog so i'm still thinking what to write lol :p okayy, i'm writing this post at 9:50 am on the 2nd of february 2011. and i made my twitter acc too yesterday and i found these katy perry's, rihanna's, justin bieber's twitter...hmmm.. i wonder if its really them or its just some ppl 'faking' themselves as the stars.. oh well, what do i care anyway. haha. http://twitter.com/#!/jetgirlspin so u can follow me on twitter if u would like to. i'm kinda new so i don't really have that much followers yet. just some friends in my school. 
     also, i finished reading a book with 463 pages last night. the book is called 'Tunnels' written by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams. if the full mark is 5 i would give 3.8. no need to ask why, u just have to read it by yourself~! 
ipah  :)

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